Namdroling Monastery

Namdroling Monastery which is situated at a distance of 60 km from the Kaveri Nisargadhama, is the largest teaching centre of the family of Tibetan Buddhism known as Nyingmapa.

Thegchog Namdrol Shedrub Daryeling is the full name of the Namdroling Monastery. It is spread over an area of 80 square feet and was built from Bamboo which was donated by the Indian Government to the Tibetan exiles.

Even today, Lord Buddha's sayings and his learnings are present in the monastery which belongs to the Sangha Community. It is also home to over 5000 monks as well as nuns, a hospital, and a religious college.

History of Namdroling Monastery

Namdroling Monastery was set up by Drubwang Padma Norbu Rinpoche who was the 11th throne holder of the Palyul lineage in the year 1963.

 Thegchog Namdrol Shedrub Dargyeling is the full name of the monastery. At first, it was built from bamboo in the form of a temple spread over an area of 80 square feet.

Architecture of Namdroling Monastery

Although the monastery seems not so vast from outside, it is huge inside. There are three 40 feet high statues of Lord Buddha called Padmasambhava, Buddha & Amitayus. The floor is made of marble but is always covered with a carpet.

 People can burn incense sticks and sit on the carpet which contributes to the spiritual environment in the temple. The walls have paintings depicting phases of Buddha's life. Some even display Tibetan gods and demons.

The Namdroling Monastery also has sacred texts, horns, trumpets, incense sticks, bells, prayer beads, prayer wheels, prayer flags, drums, etc.

Those who visit the monastery need to maintain silence in order to help out the ones who meditate. Due to the presence of the gold statues, it is also known as the golden temple.

Lord Buddha's statue is 60 feet in height and those of Guru Padmasambhava and Amitayur are 58 feet high.

Festivals Celebrated at Namdroling Monastery

Buddha festival is the major festival of the Buddhas. As per the Tibetan calendar, June is a special month for practice for the monks as the enlightenment of Buddha took place on the 15th day of June and is known as Saga Dawa Dhuechen.

 The 10th and 15th days of the month are known as Dhuechen and the fourth Tibetan lunar month is known as Saga Dawa.

Best time to visit Namdroling Monastery

The best time to visit the monastery is from June to March to enjoy the pleasant weather with the temperature being around 20 to 22 degrees Celsius.

The summer season from April to May is hot and filled with visitors. Also, Buddha Jayanti, 6th of July, i.e., Dalai Lama's birthday and Tibetan New Year are some of the perfect events to pay a visit to the monastery.

How to Reach Namdroling Monastery

Namdroling Monastery is situated at a distance of 6 km from Kushalnagar. One can drive all the way from Kushalnagar or hire a cab. Autorickshaws are the only means of local transport for traveling between the camps.


1. Food stalls, as well as washrooms, are provided for the comfort of the visitors.
2. Cameras are allowed in the monastery so the tourists can capture some memories and fun facts about the place.
3. No pets and no footwear are permitted inside the monastery.
4. The restaurants near the monastery close by 7:00 PM so reach there on time.
5. Shaking hands with the monks of the monastery is not allowed at all.
6. The clothing should be such that it is in sync with the simple environment.
7. The shoes, as well as ringing phones, should be kept outside the main hall.
8. The prayer wheels and the shrines should be circled only in the clockwise direction with the right hand.
9. Alcohol, as well as smoking, is strictly prohibited on the premises.

Open Time: 

7:00 AM - 8:00 PM


No entry fee
